Martin Thomson-Jones

Certified Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher



Upcoming Workshops and Courses

Mindful Self-Compassion—5-Day Intensive at Kripalu

Stockbridge, Massachusetts, with Susan Fairchild, May 5-10, 2024

Mindful Self-Compassion—5-Day Intensive at Hollyhock

Cortes Island, British Columbia, with Megan Prager, June 9-14, 2024

Mindful Self-Compassion—8-Week, 9-Session Course

(to be scheduled)



About Mindful Self-Compassion

Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) is an empirically-supported training program designed to cultivate the skill of self-compassion. Based on research by Kristin Neff and the clinical work of Christopher Germer, MSC teaches core principles and practices that enable participants to respond to difficult moments in their lives with kindness, care, and understanding.

The three key components of self-compassion are self-kindness, a sense of common humanity, and balanced, mindful awareness. Kindness opens our hearts to suffering, so we can give ourselves what we need. Common humanity opens us to our essential interrelatedness, so that we know we aren't alone. Mindfulness opens us to the present moment, so we can accept our experience with greater ease. Together they comprise a state of warm-hearted, connected presence.

Self-compassion can be learned by anyone, even those who didn't receive enough affection in childhood or who feel uncomfortable when they are good to themselves. It's a courageous attitude that stands up to harm, including the harm that we unwittingly inflict on ourselves through self-criticism, self-isolation, or self-absorption. Self-compassion provides emotional strength and resilience, allowing us to admit our shortcomings, motivate ourselves with kindness, forgive ourselves when needed, relate wholeheartedly to others, and be more authentically ourselves.

Rapidly expanding research demonstrates that self-compassion is strongly associated with emotional wellbeing, less anxiety, depression, and stress, maintenance of healthy habits such as diet and exercise, and satisfying personal relationships. And it’s easier than you think.

After participating in this workshop, you’ll be able to:

  • Practice self-compassion in daily life

  • Understand the empirically-supported benefits of self-compassion

  • Motivate yourself with kindness rather than criticism

  • Handle difficult emotions with greater ease

  • Transform challenging relationships, old and new

  • Manage caregiving fatigue

  • Practice the art of savouring and self-appreciation